
Can I Exercise After Cataract Surgery?

Many people find that since they can see much better after cataract surgery, they’re immediately eager to resume their lives. However, healing needs to be their first priority. Keep reading to learn more about recovery from cataract surgery, including when you can exercise! What is Cataract Surgery? Cataracts occur when the lens in your eye […]

October 24, 2023

What Are the Most Common Symptoms of Dry Eye Syndrome?

Dry, irritated eyes are no fun. If your eyes frequently feel gritty, sting, or water excessively, you may have a common condition called dry eye syndrome.  Dry eye disease is very common and becomes more common with age. How do you know if you have dry eye syndrome?  Keep reading to learn more about dry […]

October 10, 2023

How Do I Determine Which Refractive Surgery Procedure is Right for Me?

If you’ve decided that vision correction surgery is right for you, you’re likely exploring your options. You may be wondering which procedure is best for you and your specific vision needs. Keep reading to learn about various refractive surgery procedures that are available, along with guidance on how to make the right decision! Consult With […]

September 27, 2023

Five Things To Ask at Your Next Eye Exam 

As a patient, you have the right to ask questions of your eye doctor to be proactive about your own eye health. However, in the moment, finding the right things to say and ask can be overwhelming. Keep reading to learn five things to ask at your next eye exam! 1. What is My Current […]

September 14, 2023

LASIK: The Procedure That’s Definitely Worth It for Your Eyes

LASIK is a fantastic vision correction procedure that can provide you with greater visual freedom. But is it worth it?  Keep reading to learn why LASIK is definitely worth it for your eyes! What is LASIK?  LASIK is a specific type of laser eye surgery. It’s a very effective procedure that can correct several types […]

August 24, 2023

Five Things About the Vivity IOL That You May Not Know

If you’re having cataract surgery, one of the most important decisions you will make is which IOL you will have replace your natural lens during the procedure. By choosing a premium intraocular lens, you are more likely to end up with the clearest, sharpest vision you’ve had in years.  The advanced Vivity IOL is an […]

August 11, 2023

6 Ways that Cataract Surgery Will Change Your Life For the Better

When you live with cataracts, your experiences are naturally somewhat less enjoyable due to reduced vision and limitations on what you can do. Maybe you haven’t noticed what you’ve lost because the changes occur so slowly over time. Thankfully, cataract surgery can restore your vision and eliminate your symptoms. Shortly after cataract surgery, you’ll see […]

December 13, 2022

Can I Get Cataracts After Cataract Surgery?

Deciding to have cataract surgery is a big deal. What if you go through this whole process only to get cataracts later on down the road?  You’ll be relieved to learn that cataract surgery is permanent, and you won’t have to have your cataracts removed twice. Keep reading to learn more about how cataracts work […]

December 15, 2021

How To Best Prepare For Recovery From LASIK Surgery

LASIK surgery can open doors to a whole new life of visual freedom and independence. After you heal from the procedure, you will be able to experience less dependence on visual aids such as glasses and contact lenses.  But like any other medical procedure, your participation and personal responsibility in the follow-up and recovery stage […]

July 25, 2023