
Can I Get Cataracts More Than Once?

If you need cataract surgery, you’re probably apprehensive. It’s normal to be nervous before any procedure. However, there’s no reason to delay cataract surgery if you need it. Not only is the procedure safe and effective, but it can also bring you the visual freedom you’ve been waiting for. You may wonder if cataracts can […]

July 23, 2024

5 Signs You’re a Good LASIK Candidate

Millions of people undergo laser vision correction procedures to achieve clear vision. LASIK has an outstanding record of patient satisfaction, and it’s considered very safe, as surgeons take care to ensure the optimal type of vision correction for each patient.  Your eye doctor at Laser Eye Center will do a comprehensive screening to make sure […]

July 9, 2024

Why Is Cataract Surgery Performed One Eye at a Time?

Cataract surgery is very common, safe, and effective. Millions of people undergo cataract surgery every year and report great satisfaction with the results. In many cases, people need to have cataract surgery on both eyes. However, eye doctors prefer to operate on one eye at a time and schedule a second surgery several weeks after […]

June 25, 2024

What Special Training Do Cataract Surgeons Need?

When you need cataract surgery, it makes sense to want the most qualified person to perform the procedure. The very idea of eye surgery causes some anxiety for valid reasons! You can rest assured that any eye doctor performing cataract surgery has undergone nearly a decade of comprehensive and rigorous training. Cataract surgeons must be board-certified […]

June 12, 2024

Top 5 Myths About LASIK Eye Surgery

LASIK is one of the most popular surgical procedures in America. Even though LASIK is safe and effective, the idea of getting eye surgery makes some people nervous. However, myths about LASIK should not stop anyone who could benefit from laser vision correction. Keep reading to learn more about LASIK and why some common myths aren’t […]

May 28, 2024

Is There Any Way To Prevent Cataracts?

Cataracts are one of the most common causes of vision loss, especially among older adults. By age eighty, fifty percent of people have cataracts or have already had surgery to restore their vision. Getting regular eye exams and protecting your eye health overall can help manage symptoms of cataracts until you’re ready for cataract surgery. Keep […]

May 14, 2024

6 Facts About Dry Eye Syndrome You Should Know

Chronic dry eyes are uncomfortable and irritating, and they can also cause vision problems. Although most people will experience dry eye at some point in their lives due to various factors, some people experience more severe and chronic dry eye that requires the assistance of a specialist. Keep reading to learn six facts about dry eye […]

April 24, 2024

Why Does Everyone Develop Cataracts?

Cataracts are natural changes that happen to the eyes, often due to aging. This eye condition can make your vision blurry and cause difficulty reading. Cataracts don’t cause pain and, in most cases, don’t affect vision right away. Eventually, they may progress to the point that you need cataract surgery. Keep reading to learn more […]

April 11, 2024

What Happens During Corneal Transplant Surgery?

Corneal transplant surgery is a vision-saving procedure. It’s considered one of the most successful transplant procedures, and eye surgeons perform over 400,000 corneal transplants each year. If you have a health condition or injury and have been told you need a corneal transplant, you may have questions about what to expect. Read on to learn […]

March 28, 2024