How Long Does It Take to Recover After LASIK?
December 27th, 2022
Recovery from LASIK is often not a long or drawn-out process, as many may assume. Most people start seeing visual improvements almost immediately after the LASIK procedure.
If not immediate, improvements will be apparent usually within a few days. While the speed of recovery varies depending on each person, following a few simple guidelines will ensure that your recovery time is smooth and free of complications.
Keep reading to learn how long it takes to recover from LASIK!
The First Hours After LASIK
After the procedure, your vision may be blurry, typically lasting up to three to four hours. You’ll need someone to drive you home and ensure you’re comfortable and settled.
Take a nap and relax for the rest of the day. Don’t watch television or look at screens, and avoid reading. These activities can strain your eyes and compromise your recovery.
The initial recovery period typically lasts six to twelve hours. Most people will begin to see clearly within twenty-four hours after LASIK, but others take two to five days for their vision to recover fully.
Some patients may experience blurred vision and fluctuations in their vision for several weeks after laser surgery as their eyes adjust.
The First Days After LASIK
The day after your procedure, you will see your LASIK surgeon so they can check your vision and assess your healing. Most people are cleared to return to work or school after this follow-up visit, but your doctor will decide based on your specific situation and recovery.
If you’ve been given antibiotic or steroid eye drops, continue to use them as directed.
The First Weeks After LASIK
During your recovery, avoid bodies of water for about a month. This means no swimming.
You also want to avoid strenuous exercising or contact sports to give the flap created during the procedure time to heal.
The First Months After LASIK
Although you’ll immediately notice a significant improvement in your vision, fully recovering from LASIK will take some time. It may take three to six months for your vision to stabilize fully.
However, during this time, you will be able to return to many of your usual activities with a few exceptions. Regular visits with your LASIK surgeon will ensure that everything is healing and that your vision improvement is continuing.
Long-Term Outcomes After LASIK
After LASIK, many people can perform every day tasks free of contacts or glasses. For a large majority of people who have LASIK, vision is tremendously improved.
If you’re in your twenties or thirties, you may eventually need reading glasses as you reach your forties and fifties. This age-related change in your vision, called presbyopia, causes the loss of close-up focusing power and will still develop.
If you’re nearsighted, having LASIK may mean that you’ll need reading glasses at an earlier age than if you haven’t had laser eye surgery. In some cases, a LASIK touch-up may be necessary to keep your vision sharp.
Some people may still need glasses for certain activities, such as reading or driving at night. The greater your refractive error, the greater your chances of needing retreatment or glasses.
Optimizing Your Recovery
Your LASIK recovery will go as expected as long as you follow the guidelines given to you by your LASIK surgeon. These instructions will ensure that you are up and enjoying your new visual freedom in no time at all!
Do you want to learn more about LASIK recovery? Schedule an appointment at Laser Eye Center in Huntsville, AL, today!