Can I Still Have Dry Eyes After Cataract Surgery?
September 30th, 2020

Dry eyes affect millions of Americans. The effects of dry eyes increase as you get older.
When you have cataracts, it can make dry eyes worse. They can become quite painful if left untreated.
Having cataract surgery? Keep reading to learn more about what to expect and if you’ll still have dry eyes after cataract surgery!
What to do before cataract surgery
Make sure to tell your doctor if you have dry eyes before undergoing cataract surgery. This will help your doctor plan to keep your dry eye pain to a minimum.
They may prescribe you eye drops, or other mild medication to get you ready for surgery. This is normal, and will help make the surgery go smoother.
What if my dry eyes feel worse after cataract surgery?
Many people experience dry eyes for the first time after cataract surgery. Don’t worry, this is normal.
Most people need to use prescription eye drops after having cataract surgery. These will help to relieve the pain and discomfort of dry eyes. If you have suffered from dry eyes in the past, you might need to use the eye drops for longer.
It is important to listen to your doctor’s recovery advice after the surgery. If not treated, dry eyes can lead to bothersome symptoms.
Your eyes may not heal properly. Always be honest with yourself and your doctor about what you are feeling. That way, you can solve the problem together.
Treatment for your dry eyes
There are several treatments for dry eyes after cataract surgery. The most common of these treatments is artificial tears.
This is a specific type of eye drop that provides relief to dry tear ducts. Your doctor might also recommend using ‘fortified’ eye drops which soothe the eye.
If you are still experiencing dryness, there are other options. Your eye doctor may recommend lubricating gels and ointments that can further soothe the eye. In some cases, more powerful medicines like steroids and Restasis can be useful.
Most eye doctors recommend getting ahead of dry eyes after surgery. Even if you do not have dry eyes immediately after having cataract surgery, eye drops can keep your eyes from becoming too dry.
Artificial tears and fortified eye drops can only help your eyes, so don’t be shy about taking them. Dry eyes can be annoying after cataract surgery.
Most people will experience this symptom in some way following surgery. Luckily, treatment of this has improved in recent years.
Make sure to stick to the medications given to you by your doctor. Let them know if anything feels strange, or painful. Soon, you’ll no longer have cataracts with dry eyes and be able to see clearly once again!
Schedule a cataract consultation
Schedule a cataract consultation at the Laser Eye Center in Huntsville, AL today! This is the best way to be prepared before having cataract surgery.
It will also allow you to ask any questions or concerns you may have about the procedure. Living with cataracts doesn’t have to be permanent, so why not find out if you need cataract surgery?