How to Manage Your Chronically Dry Eyes

How to Manage Your Chronically Dry Eyes

February 6th, 2018

dry eye

Dry eyes is a chronic condition that happens when your eyes are unable to produce enough tears. This can happen for a variety of reasons and can lead to a number of problems, such as infection or inflammation.

If you have lived with chronically dry eyes for any length of time, then at some point, you likely began to just accept those symptoms as part of your everyday life. And depending on what is causing it, there may be no quick or easy fix to this problem.

However, that doesn’t mean you just need to suffer through the discomfort. Let’s look at five ways you can manage your chronically dry eyes:


  • Use eye drops


Over-the-counter eye drops can be an easy way to combat the problem of dry eyes. There are a number of good brands you can choose from but aim for ones that are free from preservatives.


  • Make good lifestyle choices


Occasionally, doctors will recommend certain supplements to help decrease the symptoms of dry eyes. Omega 3’s have been shown to help improve dry eye symptoms over time. And make sure you are drinking plenty of water as dehydration will mostly likely only make your dry eyes worse.


  • Reduce your time in front of digital devices


If you are someone who uses a computer frequently for work, this could be challenging. But try to at least take frequent breaks throughout the day to give your eyes a rest. This will keep your from developing digital eye strain.


  • Wear sunglasses outdoors


When you are spending time outdoors, may sure you wear sunglasses with 100 percent UV protection. This can also protect your eyes from wind or dust.


  • Avoid eye irritants


Make sure you avoid any eye irritants such as cigarette smoke, dust, and other common eye irritants. These will likely just worsen the symptoms of your dry eyes.

And of course, if your symptoms suddenly worsen or they just don’t seem to improve no matter what you do, you should check with your doctor to make sure it isn’t a sign of a bigger problem. Contact our office to schedule an appointment with on of our doctors.